Adam Kinzinger Scorches Marjorie Taylor Greene For Playing The ‘Victim’ On Jan. 6

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Adam Kinzinger Scorches Marjorie Taylor Greene For Playing The ‘Victim’ On Jan. 6

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) laid into his colleague, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), on Sunday after her lawyers characterized her as a victim, not a perpetrator, of the U.S. Capitol attack.

“For Marjorie Taylor Greene to say she’s a victim. It’s amazing how folks like her attack everybody for being a victim,” Kinzinger said on CBS’ “Face The Nation.”

“I mean, she assaulted I think a survivor’s family from a school shooting at some point in D.C.,” he said. “She stood outside of congresswoman’s office and yelled at her through a mail slot and said she was too scared to come out and confront her.

“And then when Marjorie Taylor Greene is confronted, she’s all of a sudden a victim and a poor helpless congresswoman that’s just trying to do her job.”

“That’s insane,” he added.

Kinzinger was seemingly referring to two videos of Greene in 2019 before she was elected to Congress. In one, she is seen persistently harassing Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg near the U.S. Capitol. In another, Greene screams abuse at Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez through the mailbox to her office, telling her to “stop being a baby and stop locking your door and come out and face the American citizens that you serve.”

GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger tells @margbrennan on Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene:

“When [she] is confronted, she’s all of a sudden a victim…That’s insane…History is not going to judge her, or people like her, that are buying the big lie, well. I firmly believe that.”

— Face The Nation (@FaceTheNation) May 1, 2022

Last week, lawyers representing Greene in a legal battle to keep her name on the primary ballot in Georgia argued in a court filing that Greene “was not a participant in the January 6th violence—she was a victim.”

“She was sequestered for hours, she was scared and confused, and she and her family feared for her life,” lawyers argued, claiming Greene had

A group of Greene’s constituents represented by Free Speech for People, an organization that advocates for fair elections, is trying to disqualify Greene from running for reelection, arguing she violated the Fourteenth Amendment by participating in the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection.