China’s Young People Can’t Find Jobs. Xi Jinping Says to ‘Eat Bitterness.’

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China, the world’s most populous nation and the second-biggest economy, is grappling with a troubling problem. The problem of unemployment among young people is a massive issue for the Chinese government as it attempts to manage widespread social discontent. Young people, who are educated and eager to work, are increasingly struggling to secure high-quality jobs.

China’s young people today are far more educated than ever before. An increasing number of them have completed university degrees, hoping to find high-paying jobs that can support their families. However, the reality in China is that competition for quality jobs is intensifying exponentially, making it harder for graduates to secure a job. The result is a cohort of disgruntled individuals who feel that their hopes and dreams are being dashed by a system that promises everything but delivers nothing.

In a country where success is often defined by academic credentials, the expectation is that graduates will find high-status jobs and be economically successful. Unfortunately, the current employment market in China is very different and increasingly crowded. With more and more graduates entering the workforce, China’s economy is struggling to create enough jobs to keep up with demand. As a result, many young people are finding themselves either unemployed or underemployed, doing work that is not commensurate with their qualifications.

Employment challenges faced by young people

One of the major issues that young graduates face in China is a mismatch between what they study at university and real-world job requirements. The problem is exacerbated by the current job market in the country, which is shifting toward services and away from manufacturing. As a result, there are fewer and fewer job opportunities available for graduates in the traditional manufacturing industries that used to be the backbone of the Chinese economy.

Another challenge is the issue of endemic corruption, which often makes it difficult for young graduates to get ahead. The current system is such that connections and personal relationships often carry more weight than merit, making it harder for young graduates to secure good jobs based on merit alone. The situation is particularly difficult for those who lack influential familial connections or backdoor channels to power.

President Xi Jinping’s advice

President Xi Jinping, in response to the problem, has urged China’s young people to “eat bitterness” and work hard to overcome challenges. His advice, which has been interpreted by many as a signal of tough times ahead, has been criticized by some who believe that the government should do more to create jobs and improve the prospects of young people. However, it is worth noting that President Xi’s advice is sound, and young people in China would do well to take it to heart.

In China, as everywhere in the world, success is not simply handed out to those who need it the most. Instead, it is often earned through hard work and perseverance, even in situations that might be challenging or discouraging. Young people who are able to embrace hardship and work hard to achieve their goals are more likely to succeed than those who give in to despair.


The issue of unemployment among China’s young people is a complex one that requires a multifaceted solution. The government should prioritize creating more quality jobs, while young people should be encouraged to embrace hard work and determination. The problems are far from insurmountable, but they will require a concerted effort on the part of all stakeholders. The key to success is to remain positive and keep moving forward, even when the going gets tough.