Democrats Score Big Court Wins That May Help Them Keep The House

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Democrats are scoring big court wins against Republican gerrymandered maps that are leveling the playing field for the midterm election.

Politico wrote after Democrats got the GOP gerrymandered map thrown out in North Carolina, “The decision is a resounding win for Democrats — and the latest sign yet that their legal strategy is equalizing the House battlefield and giving them a check over Republicans in several key states. It’s left Democratic operatives optimistic that they will emerge from redistricting in 2022 in better shape than they had expected, despite controlling fewer state legislatures and governorships than the GOP.”

House Democrats are doing much better in redistricting than many thought they would.

The North Carolina decision came after the Ohio Supreme Court tossed the Buckeye State’s Republican gerrymandered map, and the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, which features a Democratic majority, will take up the process of drawing a new map for the Keystone State.

Democrats are winning in court, and those wins translate to the party having at least an equal shot at keeping the House in the midterm election.

If Democrats can overcome the odds, it will be a crushing defeat for House Republicans and Kevin McCarthy.

The 2022 midterm election may not be as bleak for Democrats as Republicans hope, and these court victories mean the Democratic Party has a chance to keep the majority.

Mr. Easley is the managing editor. He is also a White House Press Pool and a Congressional correspondent for PoliticusUSA. Jason has a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science. His graduate work focused on public policy, with a specialization in social reform movements.

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Member of the Society of Professional Journalists and The American Political Science Association