Family Fun Day to offer free entertainment, activities

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Family Fun Day to offer free entertainment, activities


The Heart for the Arts in Grass Valley will hold its tumble-themed Family members Exciting Working day on Saturday, Oct. 30, starting at 10 a.m. The party is intended to offer you a assortment of amusement and routines to family members with children. All are welcome to go to.

There will be a costume contest (with prizes) and leisure will be provided by dance troupe AirAligned. A Halloween dance tutorial will be taught by Chanthou Lam. Artist Lucy Galbraith will be on hand to paint faces, and magician Nick Federoff will amaze audiences with his sleight-of-hand illusions. Kids will also have the probability to have balloons designed and beautify their very own pumpkins, in anticipation of Halloween.

Loved ones Entertaining Times are held four instances a 12 months at The Center, which has undergone an extensive renovation. The sequence is in line with the intention of The Center for the Arts, which is to make artwork and lifestyle accessible to all in the neighborhood and past.

COVID protocols will be followed for each latest recommended rules. Like a lot of other businesses The Middle is adapting to follow the latest coronavirus directives and recommendations.

For far more details be sure to stop by

Resource: The Centre for the Arts

The Centre for the Arts in Grass Valley will keep its drop-themed Loved ones Entertaining Working day on Saturday, Oct. 30, commencing at 10 a.m.
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