Fox News And OANN Ignore AZ Audit That Shows Bigger Biden Margin Of Victory

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Fox News And OANN Ignore AZ Audit That Shows Bigger Biden Margin Of Victory

Newsmax is only masking Donald Trump’s election lies, whilst Fox Information and A single America Information Network are ignoring the benefits of the Arizona audit.

Matthew Sheffield tweeted:

This is what “media bias” seems to be like:

Fox Information has nothing on its homepage about the Arizona pretend recount that confirmed Trump misplaced the point out in 2020.

Neither does OANN.

Newsmax is masking it, but only Trump’s lies about it.

— Matthew Sheffield (@mattsheffield) September 24, 2021

The conservative cable networks hyped the Arizona fraudit for months, but when the success, no subject how doubtful they are, exhibit that it was truly Joe Biden, not Donald Trump who had his total undercounted, conservative media ignores the audit, like it hardly ever happened.

Trump and Republicans have warped the time period media bias to mean a factual story that they disagree with. The phrase has turn into so misused that persons can’t see what true bias appears like.

Conservative media’s handling of the final results of the Arizona audit is a textbook instance of media bias in action.

The Arizona audit is not credible, so media shops really should not be stating that it confirms Biden’s acquire. Joe Biden’s acquire was by now verified ahead of he took place of work.

The audit method itself does expose that even when Republicans attempt to cook the publications on election returns, they fail to demonstrate their promises that the election was stolen.

Because the audit was a flop, conservative media is ignoring the final results.

That’s what actual media bias seems to be like.


Mr. Easley is the running editor. He is also a White Property Press Pool and a Congressional correspondent for PoliticusUSA. Jason has a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science. His graduate function centered on community policy, with a specialization in social reform movements.

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Member of the Society of Professional Journalists and The American Political Science Association