Girls night Christmas sock exchange a rousing good time | Entertainment

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OSCODA — What do you get when you combine a bunch of enthusiastic women, festive socks, gifts, food and lots of holiday goodies? The first ever Girls Night Christmas Sock Exchange. Over 30 women of all ages gathered at the Oscoda/AuSable Senior Center on Friday night to have a great time.

Event organizer Justine Alderete has been holding the sock exchange for her Girl Scout Troop for the past couple of years. She thought it would be fun to hold the event with a group of women. The event started out small-just a few women doing a sock exchange with each sock containing $20 worth of small gifts. But the women of Oscoda responded with great enthusiasm and the event grew from there.

Friday night included a potluck dinner with lots of homemade dishes, Christmas cookies, hand crafted candies and a hot chocolate bar with yummy toppings.

Dressed in festive holiday sweaters and pajamas women got to know each other through a speed sock exchange. There was a fair amount of competition as some of the women had their eye on a particular sock. Some hiding, negotiating, wheeling and dealing was observed. Linda Hock, Alderete’s grandma and senior center board member, was successful in getting the stocking she wanted after some collusion from her tablemates.

“It was a lot of fun. We had a good turnout. We only advertised on Facebook,” Alderete concluded at the end of the event.