GOP Disaster As George Santos Is As Well Known As Ron DeSantis

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Rep. George Santos (R-NY) is defining the Republican Party as a new poll reveals that he is more well-known than most of the party’s potential presidential candidates.

According to the latest Monmouth University Poll of Republicans:

Haley, who is set to announce her presidential bid next week – and is named as a top-of-mind preference by just 1% of Republican voters – earns positive reviews from her party’s electorate, 47% favorable and 11% unfavorable. However, one-fifth of these voters do not have an opinion of her (22%), and another fifth have not even heard of her (19%).

Other possible 2024 GOP candidates are in the same situation as Haley, including Pompeo at 41% favorable and 16% unfavorable, with just under half having no opinion, and Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin at 36% favorable and 8% unfavorable, with just over half offering no opinion. Pence is a better known figure but he also has higher negatives than other possible candidates included in the poll – 55% favorable and 28% unfavorable with less than one-fifth having no opinion of him.

New York Rep. George Santos receives a net negative rating of just 12% favorable and 42% unfavorable from his fellow Republicans, with one-third offering no opinion but only 14% saying they have not heard of the newly elected congressman at all.

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George Santos has the same percentage of Republicans who have never heard of him (14%) as Ron DeSantis. The only Republicans who are more well-known than Santos are Donald Trump (8%) and Ted Cruz (13%), who were the top two finishers in the 2016 primary.

Rep. Santos is more well-known among Republicans than former vice president Mike Pence, and all of the Republican presidential field outside of Trump. Santos has a lower percentage of people who don’t know who he is (14%) than Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (19%).

The Monmouth Poll also reveals that none of the other potential 2024 Republican candidates outside of Trump and DeSantis currently have much of a chance of winning the presidential nomination.

Outside of Trump, George Santos is the face of the Republican Party. Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s refusal to expel Santos from the House could end up costing his party the entire 2024 election.

Jason is the managing editor. He is also a White House Press Pool and a Congressional correspondent for PoliticusUSA. Jason has a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science. His graduate work focused on public policy, with a specialization in social reform movements.

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Member of the Society of Professional Journalists and The American Political Science Association