How Austin Reaves, the ‘Hillbilly Kobe,’ won over LeBron James

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How Austin Reaves, the “Hillbilly Kobe,” Won Over LeBron James

When it comes to basketball, there are few names as revered as LeBron James. The man is a living legend, with countless accolades and accomplishments to his name. So, when he takes notice of a player – particularly one who plays for a team outside of the NBA’s top tier – it’s worth paying attention.

That’s exactly what happened with Austin Reaves, the “Hillbilly Kobe” who has been making waves of his own in the world of basketball. Reaves may not have the same level of fame as James, but that didn’t stop him from winning over the King himself.

So, how did the “Hillbilly Kobe” manage to impress one of the greatest basketball players of all time? Let’s take a look.

First, it’s important to understand who Austin Reaves is and what he brings to the court. Reaves is a 6’5″ shooting guard from Arkansas who has been playing college basketball for the past four years. He began his career at Wichita State before transferring to Oklahoma, where he has spent the past two seasons.

What sets Reaves apart from other players is his incredible scoring ability. He averaged 18.3 points per game during the 2020-2021 season, leading the Sooners in scoring by a wide margin. He also has a deadly shooting touch, hitting 44.3% of his field goals and 78.3% of his free throws.

Of course, stats only tell part of the story. To truly understand what makes Reaves so impressive, you have to watch him play. He has a smooth, effortless style that belies the intensity with which he approaches the game. He’s not content to simply score points – he wants to dominate his opponents and leave them in the dust.

It’s that attitude that caught the attention of LeBron James. James is the ultimate competitor, a man who has won championships and MVP awards by pushing himself to the absolute limit. When he sees someone like Reaves who shares that same drive and intensity, he can’t help but take notice.

However, it wasn’t just Reaves’ talent on the court that impressed James. It was also his story. Reaves grew up in rural Arkansas, a place where basketball isn’t necessarily the first thing that comes to mind when you think of sports. He had to work hard to become the player he is today, overcoming obstacles and doubters along the way.

That kind of underdog story is something that James can relate to. He was also raised in a rough neighborhood and had to fight for his place in the world of basketball. When he sees someone like Reaves who has gone through a similar journey, he feels a kinship with them.

That’s why James reached out to Reaves after a workout they both attended in Las Vegas. The two men chatted for a while, with James offering words of encouragement and advice. He saw something in Reaves that he recognized from his own journey, and he wanted to help the young player succeed.

Since that encounter, Reaves has continued to impress. He was named to the All-Big 12 First Team last season, and he’s expected to be a key player for the Sooners this year as well. He’s also been making headlines off the court, with his nickname “Hillbilly Kobe” becoming more and more well-known.

So, what can we take away from this story? First and foremost, it’s a reminder that talent alone isn’t enough to win over the biggest names in basketball. Players like LeBron James are looking for something more – they want to see a drive and intensity that matches their own. They want to see players who are willing to push themselves to the limit and never give up.

Another thing we can take away from this story is the power of human connections. LeBron James didn’t have to talk to Austin Reaves after that workout. He could have gone about his day and never given the young player a second thought. But by taking the time to chat with Reaves and offer him encouragement, James created a bond that has continued to grow.

In a world where social media and technology dominate our lives, it’s easy to forget the power of a real, human connection. LeBron James and Austin Reaves remind us that sometimes all it takes is a kind word or a friendly gesture to make a huge impact on someone’s life.

Finally, the story of Austin Reaves and LeBron James is a reminder that anything is possible in the world of basketball. Reaves may have come from a small town in Arkansas, but he’s managed to make a name for himself on the national stage. LeBron James may be one of the greatest basketball players of all time, but he’s always looking for something more – and he found that in Austin Reaves.

So, what’s next for the “Hillbilly Kobe”? Only time will tell. But one thing is for sure – he’s a player to keep an eye on, both on and off the court. And if he keeps impressing people like LeBron James, there’s no limit to what he can achieve.