Jen Psaki Takes Down Fox News As Peter Doocy Hysterically Claims Pregnant Women At Lying At The Border

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Jen Psaki Takes Down Fox News As Peter Doocy Hysterically Claims Pregnant Women At Lying At The Border

Fox News’s Peter Doocy attempted to whip up anti-immigrant sentiment and weirdly attacked expecting women but was shot down by Jen Psaki.


Peter Doocy promises that a flood of girls boasting to be expecting are creating a border crisis.

Jen Psaki responds, “You feel pregnant ladies pose a big menace to the border into the border community. You feel which is a large difficulty?”

Doocy, “You tell me.”

— Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) September 23, 2021

Peter Doocy claimed, “You say the border is not open up, but we have been told by our groups on the ground that you are releasing fairly a great deal all of the loved ones unit, couples wherever the lady suggests that she is expecting, or solitary women who say that they are expecting. That no person basically has to get a pregnancy examination unless they want to.”

White Home Push Secretary Psaki requested, “Are you suggesting never think in females say they’re pregnant, and is that a big concern we imagine at the border? “

Doocy went total Fox Information, “I’m not in demand of maintaining the borders secured. You guys are.”

Psaki, “You assume expecting gals pose a huge menace to the border into the border local community. You believe which is a big concern?”

Doocy retained it up, “You notify me. “

Lastly, Psaki, Set an finish to Doocy’s anti-pregnant women of all ages fever desire, “I’m not mindful that pregnant women of all ages are a big problem for individuals at the border. I will know for you, Peter, and what I said previously that there is a system if individuals cannot be expelled less than Title 42 for a range of areas. Portion of that is the country they occur from, or other countries, like Mexico, might not take families with kids under the age of seven. “

Psaki defined, “They positioned into removing proceedings that demand them to possibly go to detention facility will call for them to get a detect to show up, and which includes supplying biometric data, and otherwise so that we can make sure that we know where they are, and we conjure that we know when they will come back. So that is what the method is. If there is a large outrage about expecting gals, I’m not monitoring it.”

Fox News Thinks Expecting Girls Are Lying And Spreading COVID In The South.

Republicans like Gov. Greg Abbott have been blaming immigrants for the unfold of COVID in the South for months, so Doocy’s endeavor to blame immigrants for the spread of COVID was an escalation of the disinformation, but it was his specifically peculiar declare that expecting women on the border are a major trouble that was both of those racist and absurd.

Doocy was participating in on the aged racist Republican trope of expecting gals coming to the US to have their babies.

Jen Psaki was not obtaining it and highlighted the misogyny, racism, and ugliness that Doocy and Fox Information are pushing.

Mr. Easley is the managing editor. He is also a White Residence Press Pool and a Congressional correspondent for PoliticusUSA. Jason has a Bachelor’s Diploma in Political Science. His graduate get the job done centered on general public coverage, with a specialization in social reform actions.

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Member of the Society of Qualified Journalists and The American Political Science Association