John Oliver Wrecks The Entire Fox News Primetime Lineup

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The internal messages and texts from Fox News primetime anchors Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham are the gift that keeps on giving to HBO’s John Oliver.


Oliver said after reading Rupert Murdoch suggesting that Hannity and Ingraham went too far, “Of course, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham went too far. That is their whole thing. Laura delivers every monologue with the energy of a concussed PTA parent, and Hannity spews bulls*it while looking like one big neck. You made these monsters, Rupert. You don’t get to act surprised.”

The Last Week Tonight host then turned his attention to Tucker Carlson, and after reading Carlson’s admission that he hates Trump, Oliver said, “That is so harsh. I’d almost feel bad for Trump if I wasn’t so sure that he’s incapable of feeling anything except anger, hunger, and the lower back of the nearest blond woman.”

John Olver then read Tucker Carlson’s message that Trump had been a disaster and reality is tough to address, and responded, “A man on a news network can’t be afraid, to tell the truth because it is too hard to digest. That is what the news is. If anchors didn’t report what is too tough to digest, Walter Cronkite would have opened his most famous broadcast with the president having a lovely car ride in Dallas today. His head fills better than ever.”

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Oliver was right. What kind of news network is afraid to tell viewers things that are difficult to digest? The answer is not a news network at all. The Fox News lineup was afraid to tell viewers what they didn’t want to hear.

Carlson was harsh to Trump, but Tucker Carlson was also terrified of Donald Trump, which says a great deal about Carlson’s character and why he should never have been trusted with the Capitol’s 1/6 security camera footage.

Fox News isn’t news, and their primetime lineup intentionally lies for profit.

Jason is the managing editor. He is also a White House Press Pool and a Congressional correspondent for PoliticusUSA. Jason has a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science. His graduate work focused on public policy, with a specialization in social reform movements.

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Member of the Society of Professional Journalists and The American Political Science Association