Kevin McCarthy’s Argument For Being Elected Speaker Hits A New Level Of Dumb

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Kevin McCarthy’s Argument For Being Elected Speaker Hits A New Level Of Dumb

Kevin McCarthy argued that he should be elected Speaker of the House because no one else can win, and if Republicans don’t vote for him, it might result in a Democratic Speaker.

Video of McCarthy:

McCarthy’s big message to his fellow hold out Republicans.. you may not like me, but who else is there?

“Is there anybody in the conference who can win? ok, I don’t think so.”

Warns that playing with fire could lead to a “mistake” that could elect a Democrat Speaker.

— Ryan Nobles (@ryanobles) January 4, 2023

McCarthy said while meeting with reporters, “Is there anybody in the conference who can win? I don’t think that’s there, so we can go round and round, and someone will make a mistake and elect a Democrat, or we’re going to find a way to work together to be able to govern.”

One of Kevin McCarthy’s biggest problems is that all his arguments for why he should be speaker come off as arrogant, smug, and entitled.

Rep. McCarthy’s opponents argue that he doesn’t deserve to be rewarded with the speakership because he is the reason why they only have a four-seat majority instead of a red wave.

McCarthy really believes that he is going to wear down his opposition, but there isn’t going to be an accidental Democratic speaker. Given the fact that he has already lost three votes, Kevin McCarthy has demonstrated that he is the only person who can definitely lose.

Kevin McCarthy is grasping for any reason to stay in the election to be the next Speaker of the House, but he doesn’t have the votes, and his reasons for why he should get the job are becoming more idiotic with each passing hour.

Jason is the managing editor. He is also a White House Press Pool and a Congressional correspondent for PoliticusUSA. Jason has a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science. His graduate work focused on public policy, with a specialization in social reform movements.

Awards and  Professional Memberships

Member of the Society of Professional Journalists and The American Political Science Association