Loudoun County School Board member: Important we have investigation into alleged sex assaults

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Loudoun County School Board member: Important we have investigation into alleged sex assaults

John Beatty, a university board member in Loudoun County, Virginia, agreed with Glenn Youngkin, the state’s Republican gubernatorial candidate, and named for a probe into sexual assault allegations from students in the district. He was on “The Ingraham Angle” to go over his situation.

The greater part OF VIRGINIA Mother and father WANT A SAY IN THEIR KIDS’ Training, FOX News POLL FINDS

JOHN BEATTY: “What occurred is so terrible and I experience so lousy for the mom and dad of both households that are victims to this, and it’s extremely essential that we have a whole investigation into every thing that happened. We get to the base of who didn’t connect what, and we uncover out exactly where the communication breakdowns were so that this in no way transpires. Since moms and dads have to have to worry about their kid finding an education and learning, and not the safety of them in their faculties.”

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