Madison Cawthorn Confirms Tape Showing Him Naked And Engaged In Physical Activity With Another Man Is Real

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Madison Cawthorn Confirms Tape Showing Him Naked And Engaged In Physical Activity With Another Man Is Real

Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) that the video showing him naked and engaged in physical activity with another man is real.

Madison Cawthorn Confirms Video Of Him Naked In Bed With Another Man Is Real

We will not be publishing the video. If you haven’t seen it, consider yourself lucky.

Rep. Cawthorn tweeted a denial but also a confirmation that the tape is real:

A new hit against me just dropped.

Years ago, in this video, I was being crass with a friend, trying to be funny.

We were acting foolish, and joking.

That’s it.

I’m NOT backing down.

I told you there would be a drip drip campaign.

Blackmail won’t win. We will.

— Madison Cawthorn (@CawthornforNC) May 4, 2022

The video was making the rounds on Twitter shortly after Cawthorn released a video statement denying that he is a”drag queen:”

I’m ready to keep fighting for you.

I wanted you to know the truth, straight from me. Don’t lose hope, don’t listen to the fake news.

Don’t let the swamp of Washington dissuade or distract you from sending a warrior back to Washington.

I’ve only just begun to fight for you.

— Madison Cawthorn (@CawthornforNC) May 4, 2022

The multiple arrests for DUI and driving with a suspended license were a big red flag that Madison Cawthorn is a train wreck of a human being, and that is not even considering the fact that he has been cited twice in a year for bringing a gun into an airport.

Cawthorn shouldn’t be in Congress.  With the number of DUI arrests that he has had, an argument can be made that he shouldn’t be in society.

Rep. Cawthorn apparently doesn’t know what the term blackmail means. Cawthorn is not being blackmailed. The voters in his district are getting the full picture of his behavior.

It doesn’t matter if Madison Cawthorn is gay, which before people go there, he has been accused of sexual assault and sexual harassment,  which he has denied, or what kind of clothes he likes to wear.

His behavior and inability to be honest with the people of his district are all that count.

The voters in his North Carolina district deserve a representative that they can be proud of. Madison Cawthorn is not that person.

Do yourself a favor. Do not watch the naked Madison Cawthorn tape.

You’ve been warned.

Mr. Easley is the managing editor. He is also a White House Press Pool and a Congressional correspondent for PoliticusUSA. Jason has a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science. His graduate work focused on public policy, with a specialization in social reform movements.

Awards and  Professional Memberships

Member of the Society of Professional Journalists and The American Political Science Association