Mitt Romney Trashes His Pro-Business Rep By Announcing He Will Filibuster The Debt Limit

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Mitt Romney Trashes His Pro-Business Rep By Announcing He Will Filibuster The Debt Limit

It was again in 2012 that Mitt Romney ran for president as a pro-company nominee. Now, Romney is aiding Republicans destroy enterprises by voting to filibuster the financial debt limit.

Romney advised reporters:

ROMNEY will make clear he will filibuster the credit card debt ceiling increase on vote tomorrow. “We’re not voting in any way to aid elevate the personal debt ceiling. As a group we are all jointly “

— Erik Wasson (@elwasson) Oct 5, 2021

Mitch McConnell Has Bought Senate Republicans On Self-Destruction.

In 2011, Senate Minority Leader McConnell tried to perform this identical video game with then-President Obama. It backfired spectacularly, Republicans were being blamed for detrimental the credit rating of the United States, and they crawled back to the Senate with their tails involving their legs.

10 yrs later, McConnell is expecting a unique result from the same unsuccessful tactics, and he has offered his caucus on a debt limit political suicide pact.

Democrats have completed a terrific work in preempting the Republican messaging. If the country defaults, the blame is going to drop on Senate Republicans, who have the resolve of tissue paper in a potent breeze.

As quickly as they feel the general public backlash for default, they will alter their position.

If Republicans want to blow up the financial system, they ought to very own it.

Mitt Romney is not professional-company, because a pro-organization senator would never do a thing that would guide to the closure and hurt of so several enterprises.

Republicans are exhibiting their true colours, and Democrats are doing the ideal thing by not supplying them an out. Senate Republicans have to not be allowed to gain from economic destruction.


Mr. Easley is the handling editor. He is also a White Home Push Pool and a Congressional correspondent for PoliticusUSA. Jason has a Bachelor’s Diploma in Political Science. His graduate perform centered on general public coverage, with a specialization in social reform movements.

Awards and  Professional Memberships

Member of the Society of Expert Journalists and The American Political Science Association