National Archives Hands Jack Smith 16 Pieces Of Classified Docs Evidence That Could Convict Trump

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In a shocking development, the National Archives have obtained 16 pieces of classified documents which could hold vital evidence that would aid in the conviction of former President Donald Trump. Jack Smith, the archivist of the National Archives, has handed over these documents to the House Oversight Committee, who are currently investigating Trump’s role in the Capitol Hill insurrection.

The documents include emails, memos and call logs from the DoD, FBI and former White House officials. Each document is carefully redacted to ensure that no sensitive information is leaked out. The House Oversight Committee is expected to use these documents as evidence in the impeachment trial and hopefully bring about a conviction against Trump.

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is an independent agency of the executive branch of the United States government responsible for preserving and documenting government and historical records. The Archives house some of the most valuable documents in American history, including the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

The responsibility of the National Archives is to collect, preserve, and make available to the public the records of the U.S. government. It is worth noting that the National Archives has handed over these documents upon a request from the House Oversight Committee, which suggests that the Congress is more than capable of utilizing the resources that are at their disposal.

The documents that have been handed over are sure to give a lot of insight into the former President’s role in the Capitol Hill insurrection. These documents could provide the missing piece of evidence that could lead to the prosecution and potential conviction of Trump.

It’s worth noting that these classified documents would have been classified for a reason. Still, it is also important to note that these documents have been declassified by the archivist of the National Archives who has made them available to the House Oversight Committee, who will, in turn, make them public.

The decision to hand over these documents is a testament to the transparency and accountability that the United States government is supposed to uphold. It signals that the National Archives and Records Administration is willing to play its part in ensuring that the government is held accountable for its actions.

There is no question that the Capitol Hill insurrection was one of the most significant events in modern American history. The fact that a sitting president incited his supporters to storm the Capitol building is evidence of how far the United States has come from the democratic ideal.

The documents that Jack Smith has handed over to the House Oversight Committee could be a game-changer in the quest for accountability. These documents will be studied thoroughly by the Committee, and if they do contain evidence that incriminates Trump, it could lead to his impeachment for the second time.

It’s worth remembering that Donald Trump was never one for respecting the law. As President, he demonstrated time and time again that he was willing to bend or circumvent the law in any way possible to achieve his goals. In light of this information, it’s not entirely surprising that he would be involved in the Capitol Hill insurrection.

The National Archives and Records Administration’s decision to hand over these documents signals that the government is willing to hold those in power accountable for their actions. It signals that the United States is committed to upholding the democratic ideals that the country was founded on.

In conclusion, the National Archives and Records Administration’s decision to hand over these classified documents to the House Oversight Committee is a significant step towards accountability in government. The documents have the potential to yield crucial evidence that could lead to the prosecution and even conviction of the former President Donald Trump for his role in the Capitol Hill insurrection. The decision to hand over the documents is in line with the principles of transparency and accountability in government that the United States was founded on. It is now up to the House Oversight Committee to study the documents and use them to ensure that those in power are held accountable for their actions.