Orcas provide Boxing Day entertainment for Wellington

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Wellingtonians have a new Boxing Day activity this year: viewing orcas .

Crowds of people have used Facebook posts and photos to track the movements of a pod of orcas who have been cruising around the capital’s swimming spots since Christmas.

Have you seen the orcas? Share your photos and videos with newstips@stuff.co.nz

A pod of orcas swim through Wellington Harbour on Boxing Day, delighting onlookers.

Jun Yamog/Supplied

A pod of orcas swim through Wellington Harbour on Boxing Day, delighting onlookers.

Most recently the orcas appear to be swimming over from Shelly Bay to Scorching Bay, past queues of cars backed up on the route towards the beach.

Earlier this morning the marine mammals were spotted at Miramar Wharf, Hataitai beach, and Oriental Bay.

* Beachy sunshine to continue for Wellington after Christmas day
* Orca family spotted in Lyttelton Harbour
* Christmas appeal: Meet New Zealand’s dedicated volunteer network of whale and dolphin rescuers

Yesterday, on Christmas Day, the orcas were first spotted in the morning near the Interislander terminal.

An orca chases a stingray on Christmas Day near Point Gordon in Wellington.

Michaela Newton/Supplied

An orca chases a stingray on Christmas Day near Point Gordon in Wellington.

They appeared to be hunting stingrays as they headed past Shelly Bay, with one stingray spotted leaping out of the water over an orca.

There appear to be at least four orcas in the pod.