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MONTH OF December
Check in with your people! Much of December revolves around relationships for you, particularly your closest ties. From inner circle friendships to romantic and business partners, a lot of cosmic energy will be directed into balancing the give-and-take between you.
But first, there are things to get done! With the Sun in Sagittarius and your productive, prosperous second house until December 21, you’ll be busily focused on crossing items off your to-do list (and your gift list). When and if you have free time, spending it with a special someone could lighten your spirits since lucky Jupiter will be in Pisces and your romantic, celebratory fifth house until December 20. Work hard and play hard—just don’t hold back on dressing up for those holiday parties, especially ones where you can also make promising connections.
On December 21, the Sun shifts into Capricorn and your social third house, putting you in playful spirits. You’re ready to leave it all at the office…or most of it. The day before that, Jupiter will start its second sojourn through Aries and your organized, healthy sixth house. Your holiday partying may be more mild than wild, or you could start plotting your New Year’s detox before even reaching your consumption limit of eggnog and gingerbread. Shrug…don’t let us stop you!
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You’ll still serve plenty of scintillating company and conversation up during Capricorn season anyhow since witty Mercury, charming Venus and penetrating Pluto (your ruler) are also in this sign. The Capricorn new moon on December 23 is THE ideal night for a gathering with friends at your favorite local spot or for bringing your closest people together. These moonbeams will linger into Christmas Eve, so feel free to carry on the good cheer and fascinating talks.
A week later, the stars pivot, and you might want to self-impose a gag order. Mouthy Mercury will turn retrograde in Capricorn from December 29 to January 18, which could feel like a double-strength dose of this signal-scrambling energy. You’d be wisest to keep your unfiltered opinions to yourself lest you be wildly misunderstood. Avoid people who push your buttons too (they’re always around during the holidays) and excuse yourself if conversations get triggering.
On New Year’s Eve, the moon will be in Taurus and your relationship house. Romantic Venus will get in bed with potent Pluto around midnight, setting the stage for a much more intimate evening. If you’re in a relationship, maybe skip out of the parties early (or avoid them altogether if that’s your preference) and enjoy some special time ringing in 2023. Single Scorpios, be discerning about the company you keep tonight. You could meet someone important through mutual friends. Just pace yourself here and don’t go spilling all your normally tucked-away secrets, even if you’re feeling a connection!
Sagittarius season until December 21
Plant your soles on terra firma, Scorpio. The Sun is in Sagittarius and your stabilizing second house until December 21, lending an air of practical sophistication to the month. Your mantra is “quality over quantity”—whether you’re decorating your home, deciding how to allocate your remaining work hours or shopping for gifts. Work could be demanding as you wrap up year-end projects. It will probably be harder to slip into full-force holiday gear until after Sag season.
Still, you’ll enjoy adorning your home and putting your good taste on display. Your discerning nature gives you an editor’s eye, so feel free to turn down any tacky trimmings or ixnay that Elf on a Shelf. Speaking of elves, you’ll be as productive as a sprite in Santa’s workshop during this busy solar cycle. Pause to prioritize—you’re only one person and you can only do so much! Since the second house rules sensuality, reward yourself with massages, mani-pedis, decadent hot cocoas or your favorite form of earthly indulgence.
Neptune retrograde ends on December 3
Drama will start to dissipate, especially in your love life, on December 3, when nebulous Neptune ends a five-month retrograde through your passionate fifth house. Since June 28, the terms of a relationship may have been a bit too vague for your liking. Or maybe you’ve just felt a little meh about your sex life, in a bit of a passion rut. Someone may have run hot and cold or blindsided you with their mood swings. Perhaps you’ve been a bit lukewarm or just in the midst of a dating dry spell.
Either way, Neptune fires up to full-powered fantasy levels again, which could make you an in-demand fixture under the metaphorical mistletoe. And with lucky Jupiter also in Pisces until December 20, new romantic options could appear from unexpected places. ‘Tis the season to be frisky, Scorpio!
The December 7 Gemini full moon is about intimacy and investments
This year has NOT been an easy one for you, Scorpio, but it’s certainly been filled with growth. The karmic south node traveled through your sign, causing you to shed old baggage, wounds and false conceptions of yourself. Your sign can live inside of fearful illusions at times, which can imprison you in their emotional charge. In 2022, you broke free from a few layers of that painful reality.
An intense moment arrives this December 7, when the Gemini full moon beams into your eighth house of intimacy, shared finances and merging. Major emotional floodgates could open as this lunar light exposes some feelings you’ve been keeping under wraps. And since the full moon will travel in tandem with your minor ruler, Mars, holding back your truth will be futile! Vulnerable as you feel, clearing the air and getting things out into the open can actually be freeing.
With la luna and sultry Mars doing a sexy tango, a budding attraction could reach full-tilt consummation, or you could make a major decision surrounding a key relationship. Should you stay or should you go, Scorpio? This full moon has zero gray area, and it will push you to extremes. This could apply to either a romantic bond or a business alliance.
Just keep in mind that Mars can make you impatient and impulsive. Before you call things off—or go all in—make sure you’ve considered the ramifications. Whatever you invest in now will stick around for a while, so do your research. If you can’t reach a decision before Mercury turns retrograde on December 29, hold off until later in January.
Jupiter returns to Aries on December 20
Playtime is over, Scorpio! Lucky Jupiter wraps up its final visit to Pisces this December 20, exiting your fifth house of passion, fun and wonder. That was exciting—and now it’s time for a little rigor. Jupiter starts its second visit to Aries and your sixth house of work, organization and healthy living today, staying until May 16, 2023.
Look back to the period from May 10 to October 28 of this year for clues of what you’ll be up to again. Balance out the holiday hedonism with a good workout and some clean plates in between the cookies and eggnog. Not feeling your best? Truth-teller Jupiter in your sixth house can reveal the root cause of any aches or pains. Get anything that feels “off” checked out (second and third opinions encouraged) and avoid self-diagnosing. This year you could get the breakthrough regimen that helps you feel vibrant and glowing again.
Feeling worn out from too much DIY-ing? The sixth house rules helpful people, and with lucky Jupiter here, Team Scorpio could start looking tighter than ever. Whether you’re delegating at work or asking for more help around the house, it’s time to release a little control and let your people pitch in.
December 21: Sun enters Capricorn and December 23 Capricorn new moon
Step away from your laptop and go mingle, Scorpio. High social season kicks in on December 21, when the Sun enters Capricorn and activates your third house of communication and community for a month. You’ll accomplish more meeting for holiday tapas at the local gastropub or making the rounds of afternoon house parties and cocktail events.
Three other planets are also in Capricorn, amplifying this energy: talkative Mercury, romantic Venus and transformational Pluto. A conversation could go from flirty to deep quickly, and you might find a surprising soul-level spark with a person you were just casually chatting up. Business chemistry could also ignite—bring on the meeting of the minds and kindred spirits!
The December 23 Capricorn new moon is an especially fruitful day to make connections and brainstorm a round of 2023 resolutions. An idea could strike—and if it does, be sure to jot it down. This could go much further than you even imagine. Maybe it’s time to start spreading the word about all you’ve been working on. If your social media or public speaking skills need a polish—or your personal brand’s due for an upgrade—the next year is perfect to focus on visibility and promotion. Teaching or learning are also highlighted.
While it’s great to make new connections, you’ll still want to screen all applicants carefully. The new moon will lock into a clashing 90-degree square with Jupiter in your do-gooder sixth house. Make sure that anyone you connect with has a high level of integrity. Their past transgressions will reflect on you, so a round of due diligence is in order if you’re thinking about formally working together. This moon-Jupiter square could also find you spinning into overthinking.
Relax, Scorpio—it’s almost Christmas, and Mercury’s about to go retrograde, which will buy you some time. There is no need whatsoever to rush or be rushed into a decision. If you don’t have the information you need, the choice is clear. Wait it out! That said, if you’re stringing someone along and have no intention of moving forward, you might feel a whole lot better setting both of you free.
Mercury turns retrograde in Capricorn on December 29
Watch your words at the end of the month because they’re likely to be misconstrued. On December 29, communication planet Mercury goes retrograde in Capricorn, your third house of ideas and exchanges. Make a list and check it twice…no, make that five times! With mental Mercury in reverse for the rest of the year, you could battle confusion, technology breakdowns and scrambled signals. When it comes to important conversations or big splashy pitches, you’re better off waiting until the new year.
Love & Relationships:
Slow and steady, Scorpio. Until December 9, alluring Venus is in Sagittarius, your stabilizing second house, grounding your love life in the here and now. Are you and your partner on the same page when it comes to spending and finances? Get aligned before the holidays arrive. Can you tweak your routines to make dinner at home a few nights a week to save money? If single, you’re focused on attracting a secure partner (quality over quantity)! Since the second house rules sensuality, indulge in a massage or shop for some chic holiday outfits now that parties are a thing again.
Meantime, sultry Mars is in Gemini on an extended trip from August 20 to March 25, heating up your eighth house of sex and intimacy. Sounds awesome, BUT…the red planet is in stressful retrograde from October 30 until January 12, disrupting the holiday heat.
Mars retrograde can incite jealousy and possessiveness, which you already have a reputation for, Scorpio. Watch your suspicious tendencies—and your obsessive ones. Deep down, a controlling streak may reveal where you’re afraid of being vulnerable or abandoned. Instead of clinging tighter, find the courage to breathe through your fears.
Trust is like a muscle: It only works if you exercise it! Of course, if you have legitimate concern or an unresolved betrayal, there’s no sweeping that aside. Use Mars retrograde to hash things out, perhaps with the help of a neutral third party. Conversations could get raw and uncomfortable, but open dialogue is the only way through. A tempting but toxic ex could also resurface over the holidays. While a reunion hookup could be the physical encounter you’ve been craving, consider the ramifications of getting emotionally attached. Be especially careful on December 1, when Venus and Mars lock horns in a testy opposition.
Luckily, some lightness will offset this Mars intensity. On December 9, Venus sashays into Capricorn and your flirty, social third house until January 2, lightening the romantic mood. This playful injection will be a welcome shift that can carry you through the holidays. From now until the end of the year, you’re quite the charmer—so get out and mingle. You’re the life of the party at holiday gatherings and feel more casual when it comes to love. You might even cross the romantic threshold with a friend!
Couples will enjoy mingling together—there’s no time like the present to hit the holiday party circuit or host a casual gathering at your place. Maybe don’t do it on New Year’s Eve though. With Mercury turning retrograde in Capricorn from December 29 to January 18, your social groove could go awry.
Money + Career:
Roll up your sleeves and get busy! The Sun is visiting Sagittarius and your productive second house until December 21, an industrious end to the year. Get your budget, schedule and priorities organized—and be realistic about how much you can take on. You need to focus and keep it simple. You can get to your holiday mingling when the Sun moves into Capricorn and your social third house on December 21. Until then, focus and get ‘er done!
Windfall alert: On December 7, you could get a sweet payday as the powerful Gemini full supermoon illuminates your eighth house of shared wealth and long-term finances. You might attract a lucrative deal or a heavy-hitting partner who gives you a bump in status or pay grade. Under this full moon, you could cash in on a passive income opportunity, earning royalties, investment dividends or a real estate profit.
Caveat: This full moon is conjunct retrograde Mars, the planet of action and stress. Intense Mars could inflate your costs or even bring an unexpected bill that cuts into your holiday shopping budget. Careful if you get the urge to whip out the plastic now, too—with Mars here, you COULD receive a lovely bonus or windfall, but you could be tempted to spend it all in one place. If you must do that, how about investing in property or something that will appreciate in value?
Take your time to ponder any big decisions, and don’t fret if you have to hold off until the new year. Mercury, the planet of communication, plans and technology, is retrograde from December 29 until January 18. It’s a less than ideal time to commit to anything as some crucial information could be obscured. Do your research and wait a month if at all possible!
See All Signs
Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut (The AstroTwins), have been’s official astrologers for over a decade. They are the authors of several astrology books, including their popular yearly horoscope guides, and have read charts for celebrities including Beyonce, Karlie Kloss and Emma Roberts. For their spot-on predictions, books and online courses, visit them at