Senate To Kneecap Louis DeJoy By Passing Bill To Strengthen USPS Next Week

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Senate To Kneecap Louis DeJoy By Passing Bill To Strengthen USPS Next Week

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said that the Senate would take up, and pass, the bill to strengthen the Postal Service next week.

Video of Schumer:

Majority Leader Schumer said on the Senate floor:

There is one more sign of progress this week that I want to mention—another bipartisan effort like VAWA and like all of the other bills I’ve mentioned, arbitration and the CR—and this is the bipartisan efforts by both chambers to pass the most significant postal reform bill in decades.

Later today, soon, I will file cloture on the postal reform bill approved overwhelmingly by the House earlier this week. For the information of all Senators, this will set up the first vote this coming Monday evening.

Postal reform has been decades in the making, and is one of the best steps we can take to strengthen one of our country’s most important institutions. Tens of millions of Americans depend on the Post Office every day: seniors and veterans need it for things like medication, businesses need it to function, rural communities need it to stay connected, and countless people rely on the post office to connect with each other for things like birthdays, travel, the holidays, or any one of life’s many, many special occasions.

By passing postal reform, we can ensure that Americans will continue to rely on a speedy, dependable, and well-run Post Office. We’ve all heard complaints about how the mail delivery has slowed down. This is a strong, important effort to rectify that problem.

It will be a win for everyday Americans and for the dedicated men and women who work to deliver our mail every single day.

Postal Service Reform Has Enough Republican Support To Pass The Senate

The legislation has a dozen Republican co-sponsors, so it has enough votes to clear the filibuster, move to debate, a final vote, and passage.

The Postal Service reform bill has had bipartisan support in Congress for years, but while Obama was president and Republicans controlled the Senate, Mitch McConnell would not bring the bill to the floor for a vote. Trump was actively trying to sabotage USPS, and McConnell was still the Majority Leader, so the reform bill had no chance of seeing the light of day.

Now that Democrats are in charge, this popular piece of legislation will not only be brought to the floor, but it is likely to pass.

The Democrats are getting things done in a bipartisan way, and the real winners are the American people, as their government is beginning to function as intended.

Mr. Easley is the managing editor. He is also a White House Press Pool and a Congressional correspondent for PoliticusUSA. Jason has a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science. His graduate work focused on public policy, with a specialization in social reform movements.

Awards and  Professional Memberships

Member of the Society of Professional Journalists and The American Political Science Association