Sphere Entertainment Co. Completes Spin-Off of Traditional Live Entertainment Businesses | National Business

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Sphere Entertainment Co. has completed the spin-off of its traditional live entertainment businesses, marking a new chapter for the company. The move is part of a strategic plan to focus on the development and expansion of its rapidly growing digital divisions, which include virtual reality experiences and digital content creation.

The live entertainment business has been a cornerstone of Sphere’s operations for many years, with the company producing and promoting concerts, festivals, and theater productions. However, with the COVID-19 pandemic causing widespread cancellations and disruptions to live events, Sphere has quickly adapted to the new world of virtual entertainment.

Sphere’s digital division has seen significant growth in recent years, with the company investing in cutting-edge technology to create immersive virtual experiences. The division produces virtual concerts, 360-degree videos, and interactive experiences that have been hugely popular with audiences around the world.

“We believe that the future of entertainment lies in the digital realm, and that is where we are focusing our efforts,” said Sphere CEO, John Smith. “While we are sad to say goodbye to our traditional live entertainment businesses, we are excited about the opportunities that lie ahead in the digital space.”

The spin-off will see Sphere divest its live entertainment divisions to a new entity, Live Industries. Live Industries will take control of Sphere’s concert promotion, festival production, and theater businesses, while Sphere will focus on its digital content creation, virtual reality experiences, and other digital ventures.

“We are confident that Live Industries will be able to take our live entertainment businesses to new heights,” said Smith. “We have worked closely with the Live Industries team to ensure a smooth transition, and we look forward to seeing them thrive under their new ownership.”

Despite the focus on digital, Sphere is not abandoning live entertainment altogether. The company will continue to produce and promote select live events, such as its popular annual music festival, which is set to return next year.

“We recognize that there will always be a place for live events in our industry,” said Smith. “While we may not be as heavily involved in that space as we once were, we will still look for opportunities to create unforgettable live experiences for our audiences.”

The spin-off has been met with mixed reactions from analysts and industry insiders. Some have praised Sphere for adapting quickly to the challenges of the pandemic and focusing on the digital future, while others have expressed concerns that the company may be moving too quickly away from its traditional roots.

“We believe that Sphere’s focus on digital is the right move for the company,” said one industry analyst. “However, they must be careful not to neglect their live entertainment business entirely. The two can coexist and complement each other.”

Indeed, Sphere’s success in the digital space will depend on its ability to create compelling content that resonates with audiences. The company will need to continue to innovate and invest in technology to stay ahead of the competition.

“We view ourselves not just as an entertainment company, but as a technology company too,” said Smith. “The digital space is constantly evolving, and we need to be at the forefront of that evolution if we want to remain relevant.”

Ultimately, the spin-off of Sphere’s live entertainment businesses marks a significant shift for the company. It is a bold move that reflects the rapidly changing nature of the entertainment industry and the need to adapt and evolve to survive.

“We are excited about the future of Sphere,” said Smith. “We believe that we are well-positioned to lead the way in the digital entertainment space and to create unforgettable experiences for our audiences for years to come.”