State cultural, arts organizations share $1M in funding | Entertainment

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State cultural, arts organizations share M in funding | Entertainment

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — Additional than 100 cultural, humanities and arts nonprofits in Rhode Island are sharing nearly $1 million in federal money to support them survive and get well from the coronavirus pandemic, officers anounced Monday.

The revenue administered by the RI Culture, Humanities and Arts Restoration Grant plan will come from the Nationwide Endowment for the Arts and the Countrywide Endowment for the Humanities part of the American Rescue System Act funds.

The revenue is different from the $1.1 billion in ARPA funding awarded to the condition.

“We’re happy that so many of these grantees are little and medium-sized companies depict culturally various communities or are new to us,” Randall Rosenbaum, executive director of the Rhode Island Condition Council of the Arts reported in a assertion. “These grants will have a important impression on communities all over our condition who have suffered significantly simply because of the pandemic.”

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