The NIH is enrolling volunteers in an early-stage trial for an mRNA-based universal flu vaccine

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The NIH is enrolling volunteers in an early-stage trial for an mRNA-based universal flu vaccine

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has launched an early-stage trial for a new, mRNA-based universal flu vaccine. Volunteers are now being enrolled for the phase 1 clinical trial, which aims to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of the experimental vaccine.

Flu is a global health threat that causes significant morbidity and mortality each year. The virus mutates rapidly, making it challenging to develop a vaccine that can provide long-lasting protection against multiple strains. Traditional flu vaccines are made by growing large quantities of flu viruses in chicken eggs or cell cultures and then inactivating or attenuating them to create a vaccine that can stimulate the immune system.

The mRNA-based approach to vaccine development offers several advantages over traditional methods. mRNA is essentially a molecular instruction manual that provides the information needed to make a specific protein. In the case of a vaccine, the mRNA instructs the body’s cells to produce harmless protein fragments that mimic the virus antigens, triggering an immune response without causing disease.

One of the key benefits of mRNA vaccines is their flexibility. Since the mRNA sequence can be easily designed and synthesized, it’s possible to create vaccines quickly and efficiently, even in response to emerging or rapidly changing pathogens. Additionally, mRNA vaccines are non-infectious, non-replicating, and do not require the use of adjuvants or preservatives, making them safer and more tolerable for patients.

The NIH’s universal flu vaccine candidate is designed to target a conserved region of the flu virus that remains relatively stable across different strains and subtypes. By harnessing the power of the immune system to recognize and attack this conserved region, the vaccine could potentially provide broad protection against multiple flu strains, including those that have not yet emerged.

The phase 1 clinical trial will enroll up to 120 healthy adult volunteers aged 18 to 70 years old. Participants will receive either one or two doses of the experimental vaccine, administered intramuscularly, at varying doses and intervals. The trial will evaluate the safety and tolerability of the vaccine, as well as its ability to stimulate an immune response.

The study will also compare the immunogenicity of the mRNA-based vaccine to that of a traditional influenza vaccine, to determine whether the universal flu vaccine candidate induces a broader and more durable immune response. If successful, the vaccine could potentially reduce the burden of flu on public health systems and help to prevent future pandemics.

The trial is expected to last approximately 14 months, with participants required to make up to 13 clinic visits and four phone calls during that time. While there are always risks associated with participating in clinical trials, the NIH is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all volunteers, and rigorous safety monitoring will be conducted throughout the study.

If you’re interested in volunteering for the trial, there are certain criteria that must be met. Participants must be in good general health, have not received any other vaccines within the past 30 days, and have not had a confirmed case of COVID-19. Additionally, women of childbearing potential must agree to use contraception during the trial.

The NIH is encouraging participation from a diverse range of volunteers, including people from different ethnic and racial backgrounds, as well as individuals with medical conditions that increase their risk of complications from flu.

In conclusion, the NIH’s early-stage trial for an mRNA-based universal flu vaccine represents an exciting development in the fight against flu. If successful, the vaccine could offer broad protection against multiple flu strains, potentially reducing the burden of disease on public health systems and helping to prevent future pandemics. By enrolling in the trial, volunteers have the opportunity to contribute to this important area of research and help to advance the field of vaccine development.