What to watch for in CNN’s town hall with Mike Pence

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As news of Vice President Mike Pence’s upcoming town hall on CNN begins to spread, many Americans will be looking to tune in to hear what the second-in-command has to say about the current state of the country.

The town hall will be held on October 25th, and will be moderated by CNN’s Jake Tapper. The event is set to cover a range of topics, including the COVID-19 pandemic, the economy, healthcare, and election security.

For those planning to watch the town hall, here are some things to look out for:

1. How will Pence defend the Trump administration’s handling of COVID-19?

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Trump administration has received criticism for what many perceive to be a lackluster response to the crisis. With over 200,000 Americans dead and infections on the rise in some parts of the country, Pence will likely be asked to defend the administration’s handling of the pandemic. Look out for how he responds to questions on topics such as mask-wearing, social distancing, and the efficacy of treatments like hydroxychloroquine.

2. Will Pence be pressed on his role in the White House’s coronavirus task force?

As the head of the White House’s coronavirus task force, Pence has been at the forefront of the administration’s response to the pandemic. However, his role has come under scrutiny in recent weeks, with reports that the task force has been sidelined and that Pence has not attended its meetings for over a month. Look out for whether Pence is asked about his role in the task force, and whether he will offer any new information on its operations.

3. What will Pence say about the economy?

With millions of Americans out of work and struggling financially, the state of the economy is a critical issue for many voters. Expect Pence to speak about the administration’s efforts to revive the economy, including the president’s recent calls for another round of stimulus checks and increased aid to small businesses. Also look out for any comments on issues such as unemployment benefits, tax cuts, and infrastructure spending.

4. Will Pence address concerns about election security?

With just over a week left until the election, concerns about election security are at an all-time high. Pence may face questions about the administration’s response to potential threats, including foreign interference and domestic attempts to suppress the vote. Look out for whether he offers any reassurances on these issues, or if he deflects criticism by blaming Democrats or the media for exaggerating the problem.

5. Will Pence be asked about his views on healthcare?

With the Supreme Court set to hear arguments on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act just days after the town hall, healthcare is likely to be a hot-button issue. Pence may be asked to weigh in on the case, as well as provide his views on the administration’s healthcare agenda more broadly. Look out for comments on topics such as pre-existing conditions, drug pricing, and the push towards a more market-based system.

Overall, the town hall with Mike Pence promises to be a must-watch event for anyone interested in the state of American politics. Whether Pence will provide any new information or insights remains to be seen, but his responses to the questions above will likely shape the media coverage of the event in the days to come.